May 8 Art Tour of Lucerne

Saturday turned out to be a beautiful day – sunny and warm – perfect for a tour of the city. We started our tour at the Bahnhofplatz Infopoint, where Mathias Walter discussed his piece, Safetypoint, its implications, and humorous position next to the Fumetto Infopoint and the newly city-installed cameras on the platz.

Then we continued to the Luzern Theater, where Dan Perjovschi was waiting for us next to his wall, with his rucksack on, ready to leave for the airport right after the presentation. After more than two weeks on the road, he was ready to get back home to Bucharest. Dan discussed his work and process, and everyone seemed to have gained something after seeing his mural and hearing him speak.

Our next stop was the ILLUMAT wagon at Löwenplatz, to which everyone submitted their wishes, and got the closest equivalent back in the form of drawings. Great idea and great fun!

Last stop on the tour was Atelier Fleurt, in the old city on Hertensteinstrasse where we all checked out the exhibit of drawings and prints, silk-screened T-shirts and self-published and hand-made books, as well as other printed matter.

One thought on “May 8 Art Tour of Lucerne

  1. Pingback: Interview with Dan Perjovschi at Fumetto Festival Lucerne | VernissageTV Art TV

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